Why do so many people get Band 6.5 in writing?

This is a very common problem for a lot of people and one of the IELTS examiners that works with us has this answer for you.

Well, if you get 6.5 in Task 2 writing then it means you aren’t hitting Band 7 in all 4 criteria.  What a lot of people don’t know is that if you get 7776, which is probably the most common score…..

……..you are awarded 6.5.  IELTS writing rounds down.  As you can see from the above example, the 6 in Grammar drops the overall score to Band 6.5 overall.  This is what  stops a lot of people getting into band 7.0.  If you make a lot of grammatical mistakes then you cannot get into Band 7.  If any of the criteria drops to Band 6 and the others are all band 7.0, you are awarded Band 6.5.

If you are in this situation, then you need to find out what criteria you need to work on.  Do a Task with us and we will be able to show you what you need to do.

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