This question comes from a few questions that we have come to us recently from people using our writing service. We see a lot of people use IELTS questions that are not IELTS questions. But what does this mean?
Well, it means that the questions are not up to IELTS standard. Let’s look at a couple of examples.
This is one that someone who used our IELTS correction service used recently.
Now, IELTS avoids issues like sex, religion, abortion etc because they are issues that are not suitable for English exams.
This one is slightly different.
Here, the first partis not connected to the second part. Researching our family history is very different from focusing on the future generations. Also, what does it mean here to focus on future generations?
Websites like make up a lot of their questions and they are confusing. If you need IELTS tasks to work from, use the IELTS practice test books (You can find them all here) or ask us. We are happy to send you Task 1s and 2s for the General or Academic exam. We only use official exam questions from past papers.
Be careful where you get your questions from.