

IELTS speaking exam

What is fluency in IELTS speaking and why is it important?

One of the IELTS speaking examiners has shared this with us.  Their article is about to be shared in a newspaper in Japan.  Here is part of it.

In the speaking exam, Fluency and Coherence is one of the criteria and a lot of candidates struggle with the fluency part.  Students that get Band 6 can speak at length so, for example, in Part 2, they speak for the whole 2 minutes.  However, what they will tend to do is one of two things.


Students in Band 6 will often have to pause.  This may be because they are looking for ideas but it will also be because they are looking for vocabulary.  Doing it a couple of times is fine but Band 6 candidates will do it regularly.  This links into the other thing they tend to do.

Repeat or self-correct

Band 6.0 candidates will repeat the same phrases again and again.  They will use phrases like “I can’t explain it very well” when they don’t know a word, or they will use “You know what I mean” or other fillers as they are not able to explain themselves.  They will also correct basic mistakes they make.  So they may say something like “Last year I visit Italy……….I visited Italy” and this will happen a few times.  This slows down speech as the candidate has to think about what they are saying quite a lot.

These are some very good points from a speaking examiner that works with us.  If you are interested in getting your IELTS speaking assessed by an IELTS examiner then send us a message.

Comment (1)

  • Rahul Reply

    This is very clear. I read the speaking criteria but it makes no sense for me. Thank you for explaining

    January 25, 2021 at 2:36 pm

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