
Tag - IELTS writing introduction

How to start (and not to start) an IELTS Task 2 writing

We see a lot of people use a phrase similar to this when they write an introduction “In this essay I will explore the cause of the problem and offer some solutions” or “This essay will show the advantages and disadvantages of ……..” Stop!  Don’t do it!  Why not you ask?  Well, one of the IELTS examiners answers this question. I see this a lot in IELTS candidates’ introductions.  I don’t know where it comes from or who is teaching it but it is a...

The 3 main reasons that people struggle with IELTS writing and speaking

Many people come to us at upmyielts.com asking why they can't get a higher score in IELTS writing/speaking.  These are both production skills and there are many reasons as everyone's case is slightly different.  We asked one of the IELTS examiners that works for us what they thought and this is what they had to say. People think that they better than they are at English. I see a lot of students who have studied English for years and years...