
Tag - IELTS writing help

An interview with an IELTS writing examiner.

We received over 50 questions from people for this interview.  A lot of people asked similar things so we tried to put them together to cover everything.  Most came from our private group on Facebook “IELTS writing and speaking support”.  Feel free to join. The list of questions What do you think is the biggest challenge for IELTS candidates in writing? Why do so many people get 6 or 6.5 in writing? Why are there so many IELTS teachers stating different...

Why do we only use native IELTS examiners to evaluate your work?

upmyielts.com is where IELTS examiners work for you.  So many people come to us having done IELTS numerous times and they haven’t got what they need in IELTS writing or speaking.  Some of these people have even done IELTS courses with teachers in their countries or used other IELTS writing correction services.  And here lies the problem. Unless you are an examiner, you will have no idea how to score your essays.  We have had people come to us showing their...

Can we use contractions in IELTS writing?

This is a question we received last week and we have seen it time and time again.  It comes from the idea that IELTS, especially Academic IELTS, is a formal exam and should be treated us such.  This is wrong. Academic IELTS is a test of your English for academic purposes (this means for university, post grad courses and also jobs).  It is NOT a test of your academic English.   If you go to an English school/academy to study English, the...

Is IELTS writing a scam?

We see this a lot from people who haven’t got the score they feel they deserve.  Now, we need to address this.  Why do people think they are being stopped from getting Band 7.0, for example, in writing? Firstly, some people don’t get Band 7 in writing because they are not band 7.0 level.  To get to Band 7, the majority of your sentences need to be correct (grammatically and lexically).  This is tough for a lot of people. Secondly, people don’t...

What happens if I write less than 250 words in IELTS Task 2?

The answer to this may surprise you and one of the IELTS examiners that works with us has this to say. The short answer is nothing.  If you write 200 words, you are not penalised.  If you write 100 words, you are not penalised.  Until a few years ago, candidates lost Task Achievement marks for writing answers that were too short.  For example, if you wrote 240 words, your Task Achievement had 1 Band deducted from it. It was a huge...