
Tag - IELTS vocabulary

Memorizing phrases in IELTS speaking

We received this question from a member of our private Facebook group (feel free to join).  You can ask us any questions you like there of contact us and ask us.  We are always happy to hear from you. How can I prepare for the IELTS speaking? I’ve seen the website saying memorizing answers lowers the score. Is that true? How should I refer to model answers on the web? One of the IELTS writing and speaking examiners answered this one. What you...

Advanced IELTS vocabulary for your writing and speaking

This blog post comes from a question we received in our private Facebook group IELTS speaking and writing support.  Feel free to join.  The question was "Can you give me some advanced vocabulary for IELTS writing?" One of the examiners had this to say. No. Stop. Learning from word lists is the worst way to learn a language, especially for IELTS. Why? Because English is very very highly collocated. You cannot just interchange words for others in English as it will more than likely...

Is it necessary to use fancy vocabulary in the IELTS speaking?

This is a question that came to us from a member of our Private Facebook Group (Feel free to join).  You can ask questions about the IELTS exam and get answers from IELTS examiners, the only people that know what you need to do in the exam. No. What gets you into the high scores is being able to discuss a range of topics relatively fluently and having a sufficient range of vocabulary that allows you to present your ideas in...

Can I use Phrasal verbs in my IELTS Task 2 writing?

This is a common question and one that we get asked a lot.  Basically, it is people being poorly advised by people that know nothing about IELTS.  An IELTS writing examiner explains…… Phrasal verbs are part of normal every day speech. Using them in IELTS is fine. So many people think that IELTS is a test of your academic English and should, therefore, be approached as a formal test. This is not true. It is a test of your English, nothing...

Is there a word list for IELTS I can study?

Ok, so IELTS is just a test of your English level.  Nearly every other English (Or any language) exam out there is levelled.  This means that you can do an A2 exam in any language, or a B1 exam in any language....all the way to C2.  For these exams, there are word lists that you can kind of follow and you will have the vocabulary that you need to pass the exam.  So, for the A2 Cambridge exam called KEY, there is...

What IELTS vocabulary gets me high marks?

Common questions about IELTS we get are about vocabulary and what you need to use to get high marks.  Questions like these are common. “What vocabulary do I need to use to get high scores in IELTS writing?” “How many complicated words do I need to use to get high marks in IELTS writing?” This is a common mistake people make in IELTS.  They think they need to use really complex vocabulary to get high marks and this is not the case. Why not?...

What kind of vocabulary do I need to use in IELTS to get high marks?

Firstly, you need to be careful where you get your IELTS information from because most of it is wrong.  Have you seen people posting things on Facebook and Instagram saying things like this. IELTS vocabulary These are a complete waste of time.  They are encouraging you to use highly specific words that have a very specific meaning.  English has the largest vocabulary of any language in the world and words are used in very specific circumstances.  Let’s look at ‘groggy’.  ‘groggy’ means “weak and unable to think clearly or walk correctly,...

Should you use idioms in the IELTS speaking exam?

We received this question from one of the members in our IELTS writing and speaking support group on Facebook. “If I use a lot of idioms, will it boost up my IELTS speaking score?” It is a common question we have been asked before so one of the speaking examiners that works with us has answered it. No, and I would advise you not to use them. They are used in very very specific circumstances and 99% off candidates I meet use them...