
Tag - IELTS speaking

What affects your IELTS speaking score?

Well, the easy answer is if your speaking is good then you will get a higher mark. If your speaking is poor, then you will not get a high score in the exam.  Simple, but what does this mean? What will affect your score? The key 3 things are……. Pronunciation - If you have problems with r/l, b/v, s/sh t/th sounds in English (To name but a few!), then this will affect your pronunciation score. If you don’t  use intonation well, or...

Advanced IELTS vocabulary for your writing and speaking

This blog post comes from a question we received in our private Facebook group IELTS speaking and writing support.  Feel free to join.  The question was "Can you give me some advanced vocabulary for IELTS writing?" One of the examiners had this to say. No. Stop. Learning from word lists is the worst way to learn a language, especially for IELTS. Why? Because English is very very highly collocated. You cannot just interchange words for others in English as it will more than likely...

Is IELTS easier in different countries?

This is a controversial topic so please put your comments/thoughts below. There is always a lot of talk about IELTS and whether you will get higher marks if you do your exam in your country or in an English-speaking country.  Just to make this clear, this is not the case with IELTS writing.  Your writing is probably not marked in the country where you do the exam and it is scanned and sent to examiners in other countries so it makes...

What should you avoid doing in the IELTS speaking test?

An IELTS speaking examiner explains. There are a few things that you need to avoid in the IELTS speaking test. Understand that it isn’t a 2-way conversation. The examiner has a script to follow. They can’t deviate from this script until Part 3 so don’t ask them any questions. The exam is strictly timed so control your speakingso you don’t go off on a monologue. The examiner has a number of questions they have to get through and they will stop you...

Why do people do IELTS more than once?

So, we got this question from a member of our private Facebook group IELTS writing and speaking support (Feel free to join.  You can talk to IELTS examiners there). Why is my IELTS Score the same as previous attempt after SO MUCH HARDWORK? First attempt overall 6.0, W-5.5, R-5.5, S-6.0, L-6.0. While my 2nd attempt overall 6.0, W-6.0, R-6.0, S-5.5 L-7.0. All the attempts were self study. We see so many repeat IELTS takers.  Some have done the exam 4 or 5...

I think I’ve messed up Part 2 in the IELTS speaking exam!!

The speaking exam gets more difficult so Part 3 is harder than Part 2. It may affect your score but it also may not. Candidates that struggle to speak for 2 minutes when talking about themselves (The easiest thing to do in a foreign language) tend to struggle when it comes to talking about more abstract things in Part 3. However, you are marked over the whole test. If you think that Part 3 went well then you may be fine. You...

An interview with an IELTS speaking examiner

This is an interview with one of the IELTS speaking examiners that works with us.  If you would like to do a full IELTS speaking test with an examiner and receive a detailed report on your speaking and what you need to do to get higher marks, then you can purchase one here. Have a look at the example in the link too; just scroll down. A while ago, we asked the members in our private Facebook group (Feel free to...

IELTS speaking and feeling nervous. What can you do?

This is a question that we received in our Private Facebook group; feel free to join I would like to ask if during my IELTS speaking exam part 1 I feel nervous, can I just close my eyes or look in another direction or just cover my eyes with a handkerchief? So, you’re in the street and a tourist comes up and asks you where something is. In response, you look in another direction and put a handkerchief over your eyes……Imagine the...

Is it necessary to use fancy vocabulary in the IELTS speaking?

This is a question that came to us from a member of our Private Facebook Group (Feel free to join).  You can ask questions about the IELTS exam and get answers from IELTS examiners, the only people that know what you need to do in the exam. No. What gets you into the high scores is being able to discuss a range of topics relatively fluently and having a sufficient range of vocabulary that allows you to present your ideas in...

Can you lie in the IELTS speaking test?

We get some interesting questions from readers and this is a good one!  An IELTS examiner uses their experience of examining to answer this one. So, can you lie in the IELTS speaking exam? Yes, no one will ever check whether what you say is the truth or not. However, one reason to not lie is that telling the truth is easier, much much easier. Think about the lies you have told before. You have to keep actively thinking to keep inventing...