
Tag - IELTS prep

What should I do in the IELTS preparation to pass the exam in September? I am so nervous.

This is a question we get quite a lot and one of the examiners here has this advice. You have quite a bit of time so, a couple of things that will save you time and money. Work out what you need to work on. If you are getting higher scores in your reading and listening, then you need to work on your speaking and writing. Now, here is a secret, are you ready? You can’t self-study these. You just can’t. So,...

How many times can I do IELTS to get what I need?

This is a question that came from a member of our Facebook group IELTS writing and speaking support and one of the examiners answered it. You can take IELTS as many times as you like until you get the score you need. However, as Einstein said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. Why would you plan to do the exam again and again? Instead of spending 150 US dollars doing...