
Tag - IELTS exmainers

IELTS remarking.  When to do it and when not to.

In IELTS, if you don’t think your writing or speaking result is accurate, you can ask for an EOR (Enquiry of Results).  Your writing or speaking will then be checked by another examiner (in some cases a senior examiner but not always) to see whether your result is accurate or not.  You have to pay for this and the fee differs depending on the country you did the test in.  However, if your score is changed (up or down), you...

The IELTS speaking test – Why is Part 2 so important?

The IELTS speaking test is designed to get progressively more difficult so the examiner can see what you can do in English.  Part 1 is very simple.  It is just a question-and-answer session about you.  You just have to say what you think and why you think it. The questions are relatively simple. However, Part 2 affects what questions you will face in Part 3. How so? Well, in Part 2 you, you have to talk for 2 minutes about a topic...

Can we use contractions in IELTS writing?

This is a question we received last week and we have seen it time and time again.  It comes from the idea that IELTS, especially Academic IELTS, is a formal exam and should be treated us such.  This is wrong. Academic IELTS is a test of your English for academic purposes (this means for university, post grad courses and also jobs).  It is NOT a test of your academic English.   If you go to an English school/academy to study English, the...