
Tag - IELTS examiners

How do I get a higher score in IELTS writing?

We received this question from a member of our private Facebook group.  Feel free to join - You can ask any questions you have about IELTS there. To answer the question, you get a good IELTS writing score by practising. IELTS writing is marked to a very strict criteria and you need to tick the boxes to get to a certain level of writing. Most people seem to need Band 7.0 and to get Band 7.0 in IELTS writing, the majority of...

Is IELTS easier in different countries?

This is a controversial topic so please put your comments/thoughts below. There is always a lot of talk about IELTS and whether you will get higher marks if you do your exam in your country or in an English-speaking country.  Just to make this clear, this is not the case with IELTS writing.  Your writing is probably not marked in the country where you do the exam and it is scanned and sent to examiners in other countries so it makes...

Why do we only use native IELTS examiners to evaluate your work?

upmyielts.com is where IELTS examiners work for you.  So many people come to us having done IELTS numerous times and they haven’t got what they need in IELTS writing or speaking.  Some of these people have even done IELTS courses with teachers in their countries or used other IELTS writing correction services.  And here lies the problem. Unless you are an examiner, you will have no idea how to score your essays.  We have had people come to us showing their...

How to write a Task 1 and 2 in 60 minutes

This is a common problem for a lot of people.  A member in our private Facebook page “IELTS Writing and Speaking support” got in touch and left this question. “Sometimes we are given to much information in the task 1 and this makes it very hard to include all the data to the writing, just as it is very difficult to fill 150 words when there is very little to write about. However, I think the hardest part of the writing...

I can’t think of ideas for IELTS Task 2.

In Task 2, you need to support your ideas with examples.  So, let’s take an example question like “The government should ban smoking in all public places, even though this would restrict some other people's freedoms. Do you agree or disagree?” First, you need to know that the question is asking for your opinion, nothing else.  You don’t have to balance this type of question and argue both sides.  Imagine if you were in a café and were asked this question, would you...

What does an IELTS Band 9 Task 2 look like?

We thought that we would share an example of a Band 9 Task 2 essay along with the rationale as to what it is high scoring.  It was written by one of the IELTS examiners that works with us. In red, you can see why it is getting high Task Achievement scores.  The range of grammar and vocabulary is very wide and accuracy is very high.  Coherence is so smooth that it is not noticed.  Have a read......   Now, of course, for...

What materials should I use to study for IELTS?

There are some books that IELTS examiners recommend for IELTS students.  However, there is also a lot of rubbish out there.  Avoid the 1 or 2 dollar kindle books; they are useless and will not help you.  In fact, they will probably just give you bad advice. We asked the examiners that work with us what IELTS books they would recommend and this is the list they came up with. https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/upmyielts Here you can find all the books you will need to practice...