
Tag - IELTS examiner help

Why am I stuck at band 6 for IELTS writing?

This is a problem for an awful lot of people. The first thing you need to do is work out why you aren’t getting higher marks in your writing. In the 4 criteria, it may be just one of them that is stopping you from getting higher marks. It may be that you aren’t developing your ideas enough with examples (Task Achievement), it may be that you are making referencing mistakes or mistakes with linking words (Coherence & Cohesion) or it...

What is stopping me getting Band 7+ in IELTS writing or speaking? Part 1

We asked one the IELTS examiners that work with us what they saw as the biggest factor that stopped many candidates getting higher scores in IELTS speaking and writing.  She said, overwhelmingly, that accuracy was the biggest problem for a lot of people.  Here are her comments.   Articles, articles articles (a, an, the).  They are really difficult for a lot of English learners, especially those that don't have them in their language but they are really important in IELTS writing.  If a...

The 3 main reasons that people struggle with IELTS writing and speaking

Many people come to us at upmyielts.com asking why they can't get a higher score in IELTS writing/speaking.  These are both production skills and there are many reasons as everyone's case is slightly different.  We asked one of the IELTS examiners that works for us what they thought and this is what they had to say. People think that they better than they are at English. I see a lot of students who have studied English for years and years...

I got 6.5 in IELTS writing and speaking. What should I do?

This is a common question that we often get asked.  They get very high scores in listening and reading but lower scores in writing and speaking.  This is because you can't self-study for these.  So, let's look at what you should and shouldn't do. Well, now you know what you need to work on. Firstly though, you need to know why you got those marks. To find this out, do a full writing test with us; both parts 1 and 2.  Our IELTS examiners...