
Tag - IELTS examiner advice

Is it necessary to use fancy vocabulary in the IELTS speaking?

This is a question that came to us from a member of our Private Facebook Group (Feel free to join).  You can ask questions about the IELTS exam and get answers from IELTS examiners, the only people that know what you need to do in the exam. No. What gets you into the high scores is being able to discuss a range of topics relatively fluently and having a sufficient range of vocabulary that allows you to present your ideas in...

What are memorized phrases in IELTS writing?

This is a something we see a lot and a lot of candidates use memorized phrases.  Some examples of what we see are below.  Why we recommend you don’t use them is that accuracy drops considerably when you have to write something in your own words and this is very very noticeable for us (the examiners).  This is the question we received from a member of our private Facebook group (Feel free to join) What sentences or phrases are considered by...

Can you lie in the IELTS speaking test?

We get some interesting questions from readers and this is a good one!  An IELTS examiner uses their experience of examining to answer this one. So, can you lie in the IELTS speaking exam? Yes, no one will ever check whether what you say is the truth or not. However, one reason to not lie is that telling the truth is easier, much much easier. Think about the lies you have told before. You have to keep actively thinking to keep inventing...

How many times can I do IELTS to get what I need?

This is a question that came from a member of our Facebook group IELTS writing and speaking support and one of the examiners answered it. You can take IELTS as many times as you like until you get the score you need. However, as Einstein said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. Why would you plan to do the exam again and again? Instead of spending 150 US dollars doing...

How long will it take to go from Band 7 to Band 8 in IELTS?

7 to 8 is a big jump. You need to increase your score in all the 4 skills. You have probably already got a higher reading and listening score but it is the speaking and writing that will be more difficult. If you live in an English-speaking country, work in English, live with English speakers, etc then you are probably looking at 6–8 months. However, this means that you are actively studying English, going to classes 3 hours a day...