
Tag - IELTS examiner

Using AI for IELTS

There are now lots of IELTS providers using AI to assess your IELTS writing and speaking. They are cheap, yes, but they are cheap for a very important reason. They aren’t very good. AI is not good enough yet. These IELTS providers are using AI to generate example answers and to check your writing/speaking. This is not helping you. Why? Well, let’s look at an example questions from the speaking exam. A Part 1...

How to do IELTS speaking

  This post came about from a post in our private Facebook group.  Feel free to join and speak to IELTS examiners. “Can you explain the format of the IELTS speaking test and provide some tips for preparation” One of the IELTS speaking examiners gave us these tips on how to do the IELTS speaking test. Here are some ideas.  One thing I would recommend though is that you do an IELTS speaking test with me online.  I can show you exactly what you...

Is IELTS easier in different countries?

One of the IELTS examiners that works here answers this one. Yes, but only when it comes to the speaking exam. It’s important to say that IELTS is administered in exactly the same way all round the world. The reason I say it is more difficult outside your home country is that the examiners live in the country where they examine. So, if you come from Japan and you do the exam in Japan, the examiner lives there too. How does this benefit...

IELTS and memorizing answers

We got this question from a member of our private Facebook group IELTS writing and speaking support (Feel free to join). "How can I prepare for the IELTS speaking? I’ve seen the website saying memorizing answers lowers the score. Is that true? How should I refer to model answers on the web?" An IELTS speaking and writing examiner answers this one. What you have seen is correct. Memorizing phrases is a very silly way of preparing and they’re very easy to spot. What...

How to improve your Task 2 in IELTS writing

We were asked by a member of our private Facebook group about how to improve their Task 2 writing, so we asked one fo the IELTS examiners here.  Here is what they said. There are a few things you can do by yourself, and some things that you can’t. So, things you can do by yourself. 1 Understand the question. When the question says “Discuss both sides….” you need to do so. If it doesn’t say this, then just focus on presenting...

How to do an IELTS Task 2 writing

Get yourself a cup of tea as an IELTS examiner takes you through how to do an IELTS Task 2.   This is the kind of information that only IELTS examiners can give you 🔥🔥🔥 As an IELTS examiner, I have seen many test takers struggle with their IELTS writing scores. In this article, I will provide you with the essential tips and strategies to improve your IELTS Task 2 writing score. By following these guidelines, you will have a greater chance...

How do I improve my IELTS writing?

A great way to improve your IELTS writing Something that we do with people studying for IELTS is live writing.  This is where you work with an IELTS examiner and sit down (on Zoom) and do a Task together with some guidance.  This is a great way to develop your IELTS writing for lots of reasons. The examiner can see exactly what you need to do to get higher marks and will tell you. Are you structuring your writing correctly? Are you...

An Interview with an IELTS writing examiner (Part 2)

This is our second interview with an IELTS writing examiner.  The first one can be found here https://upmyielts.com/an-interview-with-an-ielts-writing-examiner/ We asked members in our private Facebook group IELTS writing and speaking support (Feel free to join) for questions and these are the questions that we got.  A lot of them were similar to the previous interview, but a lot were new. If you have any more questions, you can post them in the comments here and we will answer them for you.   What mistakes...

Why do people do IELTS more than once?

So, we got this question from a member of our private Facebook group IELTS writing and speaking support (Feel free to join.  You can talk to IELTS examiners there). Why is my IELTS Score the same as previous attempt after SO MUCH HARDWORK? First attempt overall 6.0, W-5.5, R-5.5, S-6.0, L-6.0. While my 2nd attempt overall 6.0, W-6.0, R-6.0, S-5.5 L-7.0. All the attempts were self study. We see so many repeat IELTS takers.  Some have done the exam 4 or 5...

What book would you recommend for IELTS writing?

This is a question we get asked a lot.  One of the IELTS examiners at upmyielts gave this answer. To be honest, most of them are pretty poor.  They contradict each other and give some poor advice. 9 times out of 10, what stops people getting higher marks is accuracy and it is nearly always grammatical accuracy.  It is surprising the number of people that write sentences like “Many people don’t buy mobile phone and use same phone for long time” When it should...