
Tag - IELTS 6.5

IELTS remarking.  When to do it and when not to.

In IELTS, if you don’t think your writing or speaking result is accurate, you can ask for an EOR (Enquiry of Results).  Your writing or speaking will then be checked by another examiner (in some cases a senior examiner but not always) to see whether your result is accurate or not.  You have to pay for this and the fee differs depending on the country you did the test in.  However, if your score is changed (up or down), you...

A question from a blog reader “I’ve done IELTS 3 times in the last 3 months and get (nearly) the same score every time (Not high enough). What is going on?”

One of the the IELTS examiners that works with us answered this one. You need to look at IELTS in a different way.  IELTS is a level test.  This means that is gives you an accurate reading of your writing, speaking, reading and listening.  If you do a test like this in June, then again in July, you will find no difference as your level will not change that much in a month.  Therefore, your score will be exactly the same. ...

Why do so many people get Band 6.5 in writing?

This is a very common problem for a lot of people and one of the IELTS examiners that works with us has this answer for you. Well, if you get 6.5 in Task 2 writing then it means you aren’t hitting Band 7 in all 4 criteria.  What a lot of people don’t know is that if you get 7776, which is probably the most common score….. ……..you are awarded 6.5.  IELTS writing rounds down.  As you can see from the above...

I got 6.5 in IELTS writing and speaking. What should I do?

This is a common question that we often get asked.  They get very high scores in listening and reading but lower scores in writing and speaking.  This is because you can't self-study for these.  So, let's look at what you should and shouldn't do. Well, now you know what you need to work on. Firstly though, you need to know why you got those marks. To find this out, do a full writing test with us; both parts 1 and 2.  Our IELTS examiners...