
Tag - How to write IELTS

What does Band 9.0 writing look like in IELTS?

This is a good question and one we received from a member of our private Facebook group (Feel free to join and ask your questions about IELTS). Here is an example of a Band 9.0 Task 2. It is 293 words long so a bit long for what most people are able to produce. I don’t recommend writing more than this unless you are a very high user of English. Band 9.0 is just native or native-like level English that fully...

What rules are important for writing?

This is a good question we got asked by someone in our private Facebook group (Feel free to join). "What rules are important for writing?" These are not rules as such but pieces of advice I give my students and they are especially relevant when it comes to IELTS, TOEFL, GMAT etc. 1. Know who you are writing to. If you are writing to your boss, don’t write to them as if they were your friend. 2. Don’t use gimme, wanna,...

An interview with an IELTS writing examiner.

We received over 50 questions from people for this interview.  A lot of people asked similar things so we tried to put them together to cover everything.  Most came from our private group on Facebook “IELTS writing and speaking support”.  Feel free to join. The list of questions What do you think is the biggest challenge for IELTS candidates in writing? Why do so many people get 6 or 6.5 in writing? Why are there so many IELTS teachers stating different...

How to write a Task 1 and 2 in 60 minutes

This is a common problem for a lot of people.  A member in our private Facebook page “IELTS Writing and Speaking support” got in touch and left this question. “Sometimes we are given to much information in the task 1 and this makes it very hard to include all the data to the writing, just as it is very difficult to fill 150 words when there is very little to write about. However, I think the hardest part of the writing...

How to write an IELTS Task 2

One of the IELTS writing examiners that works with us wrote this piece ion how to write an IELTS Task 2 There are a number of ways to write a Task 2 but this is by far the easiest if you are aiming for Band 7.0+ 1.  Structure. Only write 4 paragraphs.  An introduction, 2 body paragraphs of equal length and a conclusion.  Your writing should look like 2.  Understand what the question is asking you to do. If the question says Do...

How to ….. write an introduction for IELTS Task 2.

As part of our new “How to….” series, we ask IELTS examiners questions that have come to us through Facebook and Instagram.  So, the first one is about how to write an IELTS Task 2 introduction. “The first thing to keep in mind is the introduction isn’t anywhere in the marking criteria.  This doesn’t mean you don’t need to write one, but it does mean that it has very little impact on your result.  In Band 8.0 for Coherence and Cohesion,...