
Tag - How to do IELTS speaking

How to do Part 2 of the Speaking test

In Part 2 of the speaking test, you need to speak for between 1 minute 40 seconds and 2 minutes.  If you manage to get to 1 minute 40 seconds and stop, the examiner can continue the test and move onto Part 3.  This is a new change in the speaking test that started this year.  But, you should try to get to 2 minutes. So, what do you have to do? Let’s use this one as an example. The examiner will...

What do I need to do in the IELTS speaking test?

So, the good news is the speaking test is very short.  It is 14 minutes maximum and is strictly timed. Things you need to be aware of; 1)  If the examiner stops you talking, stop talking.  As I said above, the test is strictly timed.  If the examiner says “Thank you” to stop you talking, they are no being rude and you are not losing marks.  They just need to move the test on to the next part. 2)  Part 1 is easy. ...

How do I prepare for the IELTS speaking exam?

This is a common question we get from a lot of IELTS candidates that are preparing for IELTS.  An IELTS speaking exam explains what you need to do. You need to focus on what you have to do in the speaking exam and then you will be able to focus on practising. Don’t practice alone though. Get yourself an English teacher so they can work on accuracy with you. So, in part 1, all you have to do is answer the question...