
Tag - How to do IELTS

What do I need to do in the IELTS speaking test?

So, the good news is the speaking test is very short.  It is 14 minutes maximum and is strictly timed. Things you need to be aware of; 1)  If the examiner stops you talking, stop talking.  As I said above, the test is strictly timed.  If the examiner says “Thank you” to stop you talking, they are no being rude and you are not losing marks.  They just need to move the test on to the next part. 2)  Part 1 is easy. ...

What IELTS vocabulary gets me high marks?

Common questions about IELTS we get are about vocabulary and what you need to use to get high marks.  Questions like these are common. “What vocabulary do I need to use to get high scores in IELTS writing?” “How many complicated words do I need to use to get high marks in IELTS writing?” This is a common mistake people make in IELTS.  They think they need to use really complex vocabulary to get high marks and this is not the case. Why not?...