
How to write a topic sentence in IELTS writing

This was a question from a member of our private Facebook group (Feel free to join.  You can talk to IELTS examiners there)

First, let’s look at what a topic sentence is.

A topic sentence is just the main idea of your body paragraph and is generally the first sentence.  You only need 2 topic sentences as you only need to write 2 body paragraphs.
Let’s look at an example question like
“Learning a foreign language in primary school is more beneficial than in secondary school. Do you agree?”

So, in your introduction, you state your opinion, let’s say you agree.
Now you need 2 main ideas and these are your topic sentences. For example, you could say
Body paragraph 1 – Firstly, primary children have more free time to study so learning another language at this time is more efficient. (Topic sentence 1)
Body paragraph 2 – Secondly, the younger you are, the easier it is to learn another language. (Topic sentence 2)

Clearly, you need to develop each idea and add an example to support them, but that is all you have to do. IELTS writing is logical if you practice.
However, it is Grammar and Lexical Resource that people get the lowest marks in so you need a teacher here.

If you want an IELTS examiner to assess, correct and advise on your writing, you can order one here.
If you need help developing ideas for IELTS writing, then this is the article for you https://upmyielts.com/i-cant-think-of-ideas-for-ielts-task-2/

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