How many words should you write in Task 1?

This is a good question and we get this one a lot.

IELTS deems 150 the minimum number of words that you need to write to be able to fulfil the Task i.e. get Band 9.0.  Aim for 150 to 180 words.  If you write more than that then you may run out of time for Task 2.  Remember, and this is key for IELTS writing, the more you write, the more time you will have to spend checking your writing.  You need to learn how to keep your writing concise.

We get many people who struggle to get Band 7.0 in IELTS writing.  One common mistake is that they are writing 200+ words in Task 1.  This is the usual pattern.

1)  They write too much because they haven’t planned their writing

2)  This leads to more errors and they can’t check their work properly because of the time.

3)  This lowers their Lexical and Grammar score to Band 6

4)  This brings their overall score for Task 1 down to 6.5.

Task 1 is all about writing efficiently and structuring the time you have.  20 minutes is very short.

If you want to try a Task 1 and have an IELTS examiner evaluate your work with all the corrections, band scores for each criteria, advice on what you, and more, you can buy one here.

You can send us any Task 1 you wish or, if you prefer, we can send you one.

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