
IELTS speaking

Memorised answers in IELTS speaking

So, we got this question from a member of our private Facebook group (Feel free to join, it's free!) How do IELTS examiners know if I am giving a memorized answer in the Speaking test? The only candidates that use memorised phrases are low-level candidates. So, what generally happens is a lot of what they say is inaccurate, but then they will use a memorised phrase that is 100% accurate that uses language that is way above their level. For example, if a...

Using AI for IELTS

There are now lots of IELTS providers using AI to assess your IELTS writing and speaking. They are cheap, yes, but they are cheap for a very important reason. They aren’t very good. AI is not good enough yet. These IELTS providers are using AI to generate example answers and to check your writing/speaking. This is not helping you. Why? Well, let’s look at an example questions from the speaking exam. A Part 1...

How to do IELTS speaking

  This post came about from a post in our private Facebook group.  Feel free to join and speak to IELTS examiners. “Can you explain the format of the IELTS speaking test and provide some tips for preparation” One of the IELTS speaking examiners gave us these tips on how to do the IELTS speaking test. Here are some ideas.  One thing I would recommend though is that you do an IELTS speaking test with me online.  I can show you exactly what you...

How to do Part 2 of the Speaking test

In Part 2 of the speaking test, you need to speak for between 1 minute 40 seconds and 2 minutes.  If you manage to get to 1 minute 40 seconds and stop, the examiner can continue the test and move onto Part 3.  This is a new change in the speaking test that started this year.  But, you should try to get to 2 minutes. So, what do you have to do? Let’s use this one as an example. The examiner will...

Is IELTS easier in different countries?

One of the IELTS examiners that works here answers this one. Yes, but only when it comes to the speaking exam. It’s important to say that IELTS is administered in exactly the same way all round the world. The reason I say it is more difficult outside your home country is that the examiners live in the country where they examine. So, if you come from Japan and you do the exam in Japan, the examiner lives there too. How does this benefit...

IELTS and memorizing answers

We got this question from a member of our private Facebook group IELTS writing and speaking support (Feel free to join). "How can I prepare for the IELTS speaking? I’ve seen the website saying memorizing answers lowers the score. Is that true? How should I refer to model answers on the web?" An IELTS speaking and writing examiner answers this one. What you have seen is correct. Memorizing phrases is a very silly way of preparing and they’re very easy to spot. What...

How can you effectively study for the IELTS speaking module by yourself?

An IELTS examiner from the UK answers this quesiton. Self-studying for any speaking exam is possible, but you are making the whole process much more difficult. If you are paying 150+ USD for the exam, why would you not give yourself every opportunity to do well and not have to pay another 150 + USD to do the exam again? Lots of people complain about having to do IELTS again and again and 90% of the time it’s because people self-study. So,...

How to do Part 2 of the IELTS speaking test

This post comes about after we received a question from a member of our private Facebook group (Feel free to join) Why are the IELTS part 2 questions difficult? An IELTS speaking examiner that works with us answered this one To be honest, they aren’t difficult. You are expected to talk about something that is very familiar to you; someone you know, a shop you go to, a book you’ve read. The reason many people find it difficult is because they don’t know...

How do IELTS examiners do the IELTS speaking test?

When you do IELTS, it is a good idea to know what is expected of you.  Here is some insight into how IELTS speaking is done from an IELTS speaking examiner. Entering the room The examiner will come and collect you and take you into the room.  You are being recorded at this point to make sure that everything is legal and that the examiner is not corrupt.  The examiner cannot talk to you although they will ask whether you have mobile...

What affects your IELTS speaking score?

Well, the easy answer is if your speaking is good then you will get a higher mark. If your speaking is poor, then you will not get a high score in the exam.  Simple, but what does this mean? What will affect your score? The key 3 things are……. Pronunciation - If you have problems with r/l, b/v, s/sh t/th sounds in English (To name but a few!), then this will affect your pronunciation score. If you don’t  use intonation well, or...