
IELTS examiners tips

EOR and IELTS. All you need to know

With the new breakdowns of scores being available, before you apply for EOR, you can now see what you got in the writing/speaking and make a more informed decision on whether to pay for EOR or not.  If you don't know how to get a breakdown of your IELTS score, then you need to read this post. Let’s look at an example Dipesh got these results and overall, 6.5 in writing.  He needs Band 7.     Before going for EOR he asks for a...

Don’t prepare like this for your IELTS exam!!!

So, we received this question from a member of our private Facebook group (Feel free to join) "What do I need to do to ace the IELTS exam?" So, we though about a list of things NOT to do. Why? Because IELTS is a just a test of your English level, nothing more. If your English is Band 6 level, you will get Band 6. If your reading is great and your writing rubbish, you will see this in your results. 99%...

Memorizing phrases in IELTS speaking

We received this question from a member of our private Facebook group (feel free to join).  You can ask us any questions you like there of contact us and ask us.  We are always happy to hear from you. How can I prepare for the IELTS speaking? I’ve seen the website saying memorizing answers lowers the score. Is that true? How should I refer to model answers on the web? One of the IELTS writing and speaking examiners answered this one. What you...

What are the most common IELTS writing and speaking topics?

So, this question came from a member of our private Facebook group (Feel free to join) We asked the IELTS speaking and writing examiners that work at upmyielts.com and this is the list they came up with.  This is not all the topics, but it is the most common 10 that they could think of. THE TOP 10 IELTS SPEAKING/WRITING TOPICS Health Environment Education Development Globalisation Public Transport Criminal Justice Youth Crime Technology Government Spending So, how can you prepare for these when...

Is IELTS easier in different countries?

This is a controversial topic so please put your comments/thoughts below. There is always a lot of talk about IELTS and whether you will get higher marks if you do your exam in your country or in an English-speaking country.  Just to make this clear, this is not the case with IELTS writing.  Your writing is probably not marked in the country where you do the exam and it is scanned and sent to examiners in other countries so it makes...

IELTS EOR and jagged profiles explained

We were recently contacted by someone who had got L 8.5, S 7.5, R 7.5 and W 6 and they were asking about going for EOR (Enquiry of Results). What is EOR? This is where you think your score is too low and you can have your writing or speaking checked again.  They were asking about getting their writing checked as they thought they had done much better than Band 6.0, and were asking for our advice. In this case, we recommended going...

Why do people do IELTS more than once?

So, we got this question from a member of our private Facebook group IELTS writing and speaking support (Feel free to join.  You can talk to IELTS examiners there). Why is my IELTS Score the same as previous attempt after SO MUCH HARDWORK? First attempt overall 6.0, W-5.5, R-5.5, S-6.0, L-6.0. While my 2nd attempt overall 6.0, W-6.0, R-6.0, S-5.5 L-7.0. All the attempts were self study. We see so many repeat IELTS takers.  Some have done the exam 4 or 5...

An interview with an IELTS speaking examiner

This is an interview with one of the IELTS speaking examiners that works with us.  If you would like to do a full IELTS speaking test with an examiner and receive a detailed report on your speaking and what you need to do to get higher marks, then you can purchase one here. Have a look at the example in the link too; just scroll down. A while ago, we asked the members in our private Facebook group (Feel free to...

What does Band 9.0 writing look like in IELTS?

This is a good question and one we received from a member of our private Facebook group (Feel free to join and ask your questions about IELTS). Here is an example of a Band 9.0 Task 2. It is 293 words long so a bit long for what most people are able to produce. I don’t recommend writing more than this unless you are a very high user of English. Band 9.0 is just native or native-like level English that fully...

What are memorized phrases in IELTS writing?

This is a something we see a lot and a lot of candidates use memorized phrases.  Some examples of what we see are below.  Why we recommend you don’t use them is that accuracy drops considerably when you have to write something in your own words and this is very very noticeable for us (the examiners).  This is the question we received from a member of our private Facebook group (Feel free to join) What sentences or phrases are considered by...