
How to support my ideas in IELTS

Why do so many people get Band 6.5 in writing?

This is a very common problem for a lot of people and one of the IELTS examiners that works with us has this answer for you. Well, if you get 6.5 in Task 2 writing then it means you aren’t hitting Band 7 in all 4 criteria.  What a lot of people don’t know is that if you get 7776, which is probably the most common score….. ……..you are awarded 6.5.  IELTS writing rounds down.  As you can see from the above...

Can I invent supporting examples in IELTS Task 2?

 We received this question from one of the members in our private IELTS group on Facebook and one of the examiners had this to say as an answer. “If I lie when supporting my ideas in IELTS writing, will the examiner find out? Do I lose marks?” No. Something that you need to know is that IELTS examiners are paid per task that they mark, not per hour. IELTS examining is a job most people do to earn a little extra money....