
How to prepare for IELTS

The IELTS speaking test – Why is Part 2 so important?

The IELTS speaking test is designed to get progressively more difficult so the examiner can see what you can do in English.  Part 1 is very simple.  It is just a question-and-answer session about you.  You just have to say what you think and why you think it. The questions are relatively simple. However, Part 2 affects what questions you will face in Part 3. How so? Well, in Part 2 you, you have to talk for 2 minutes about a topic...

Is IELTS writing a scam?

We see this a lot from people who haven’t got the score they feel they deserve.  Now, we need to address this.  Why do people think they are being stopped from getting Band 7.0, for example, in writing? Firstly, some people don’t get Band 7 in writing because they are not band 7.0 level.  To get to Band 7, the majority of your sentences need to be correct (grammatically and lexically).  This is tough for a lot of people. Secondly, people don’t...

What does an IELTS Band 9 Task 2 look like?

We thought that we would share an example of a Band 9 Task 2 essay along with the rationale as to what it is high scoring.  It was written by one of the IELTS examiners that works with us. In red, you can see why it is getting high Task Achievement scores.  The range of grammar and vocabulary is very wide and accuracy is very high.  Coherence is so smooth that it is not noticed.  Have a read......   Now, of course, for...

How can I prepare for the IELTS exam in 6 months?

One of the IELTS examiners that works with us and gives IELTS classes answers this question. 6 months is a sensible amount of time to prepare.  Firstly though, you need to know where you are now so you know how much work you have in front of you. Get an IELTS practice book, and do the reading and listening tests. This will give you a very good idea of what your reading and listening scores are at the moment. You can...

Can I use both American and English pronunciation during the IELTS speaking test?

We asked one of the IELTS speaking examiners that works with us. Yes, of course.  English is English. As you may know, there are two ways of saying potato and tomato; the UK way /təˈmɑː·təʊ/ and the US way /təˈmeɪ·t̬oʊ/ (and probably more!).  Now, in the exam, if the examiner asks you “Do you eat a lot of fruit and vegetables?” You can answer “Yes, /təˈmɑː·təʊz/ (UK pronunciation) are my favourite (UK spelling!) food.  I eat them every day.  I couldn’t live without  /təˈmeɪ·t̬oʊs/...

A question from a blog reader “I’ve done IELTS 3 times in the last 3 months and get (nearly) the same score every time (Not high enough). What is going on?”

One of the the IELTS examiners that works with us answered this one. You need to look at IELTS in a different way.  IELTS is a level test.  This means that is gives you an accurate reading of your writing, speaking, reading and listening.  If you do a test like this in June, then again in July, you will find no difference as your level will not change that much in a month.  Therefore, your score will be exactly the same. ...

What do IELTS examiners write in the speaking exam?

If you do the IELTS speaking test, you will notice that the examiner will write down some numbers while they talk to you.  But what are they writing? Firstly, it is important to not get distracted by this as they have absolutely nothing to do with you.  They are not your scores!!  IELTS is very strictly timed and examiners get in trouble if their timing is not correct. If a candidate has more time to talk in any part of the...

How to ….. write an introduction for IELTS Task 2.

As part of our new “How to….” series, we ask IELTS examiners questions that have come to us through Facebook and Instagram.  So, the first one is about how to write an IELTS Task 2 introduction. “The first thing to keep in mind is the introduction isn’t anywhere in the marking criteria.  This doesn’t mean you don’t need to write one, but it does mean that it has very little impact on your result.  In Band 8.0 for Coherence and Cohesion,...

Why do so many people get Band 6.5 in writing?

This is a very common problem for a lot of people and one of the IELTS examiners that works with us has this answer for you. Well, if you get 6.5 in Task 2 writing then it means you aren’t hitting Band 7 in all 4 criteria.  What a lot of people don’t know is that if you get 7776, which is probably the most common score….. ……..you are awarded 6.5.  IELTS writing rounds down.  As you can see from the above...

What materials should I use to study for IELTS?

There are some books that IELTS examiners recommend for IELTS students.  However, there is also a lot of rubbish out there.  Avoid the 1 or 2 dollar kindle books; they are useless and will not help you.  In fact, they will probably just give you bad advice. We asked the examiners that work with us what IELTS books they would recommend and this is the list they came up with. https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/upmyielts Here you can find all the books you will need to practice...