Can you lie in the IELTS speaking test?

We get some interesting questions from readers and this is a good one!  An IELTS examiner uses their experience of examining to answer this one.

So, can you lie in the IELTS speaking exam?

Yes, no one will ever check whether what you say is the truth or not. However, one reason to not lie is that telling the truth is easier, much much easier. Think about the lies you have told before. You have to keep actively thinking to keep inventing what you are saying. Now try doing this in another language. If you lie, you just make more work for yourself.

There is also the other question; why lie? What would you need to lie about? The exam is designed to ensure that nearly everyone could answer the questions. That’s why you get the same topics coming up again and again.
So, lying is fine but it is more difficult so I wouldn’t bother if I were you.
Keep sending us your questions.

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