
Monthly Archives - May 2023

How to do an IELTS Task 2 writing

Get yourself a cup of tea as an IELTS examiner takes you through how to do an IELTS Task 2.   This is the kind of information that only IELTS examiners can give you 🔥🔥🔥 As an IELTS examiner, I have seen many test takers struggle with their IELTS writing scores. In this article, I will provide you with the essential tips and strategies to improve your IELTS Task 2 writing score. By following these guidelines, you will have a greater chance...

What is the biggest mistake people make with IELTS writing?

We get asked this a lot so we thought one of the IELTS examiners that works here would be best to answer this one. What is one of the biggest problems we see in IELTS writing? There’s lot so things I see that make me wonder wat kind of guidance that some candidates receive but a common one is length. Sometimes, I see a Task of 250 words or a Task 2 of 400 or more.  Now, if your English is really good,...

How to write an introduction in IELTS Task 2

A lot of people that use our writing service come to us starting their writing with phrases like........ “This essay will discuss.......” “In this essay, I will.......” “This essay will show.....” “This essay believes......”? But why? It comes from the way children were taught how to write discursive essays at school, and it is used by children/teenagers in schools. So, why not use them in IELTS? Well, for a couple of reasons. 1)  As mentioned previously, these phrases are used by children. 2)  They are memorised phrases.  IELTS examiners are...

How do I improve my IELTS writing?

A great way to improve your IELTS writing Something that we do with people studying for IELTS is live writing.  This is where you work with an IELTS examiner and sit down (on Zoom) and do a Task together with some guidance.  This is a great way to develop your IELTS writing for lots of reasons. The examiner can see exactly what you need to do to get higher marks and will tell you. Are you structuring your writing correctly? Are you...