
Monthly Archives - March 2023

How can you effectively study for the IELTS speaking module by yourself?

An IELTS examiner from the UK answers this quesiton. Self-studying for any speaking exam is possible, but you are making the whole process much more difficult. If you are paying 150+ USD for the exam, why would you not give yourself every opportunity to do well and not have to pay another 150 + USD to do the exam again? Lots of people complain about having to do IELTS again and again and 90% of the time it’s because people self-study. So,...

IELTS writing Task 2 – What are the examiners looking for?

This was a question from a member in our private IELTS Facebook group.  You can join it here.  It's free. One of the IELTS writing examiners that works here answered this one. The criteria (not the examiners) is looking for a number of things but here are probably the most important ones. Task Achievement Support for your ideas. If you just list ideas in your body paragraphs, you aren’t developing your ideas. Just add one idea to each body paragraph and support...