
Monthly Archives - November 2022

Don’t prepare like this for your IELTS exam!!!

So, we received this question from a member of our private Facebook group (Feel free to join) "What do I need to do to ace the IELTS exam?" So, we though about a list of things NOT to do. Why? Because IELTS is a just a test of your English level, nothing more. If your English is Band 6 level, you will get Band 6. If your reading is great and your writing rubbish, you will see this in your results. 99%...

The 10 most common IELTS mistakes

We received this email from an IELTS preparation academy in India.  It's nice to know we are being followed by teachers. They had this question. "What are some common mistakes students make during the IELTS test?" Some of the IELTS examiners here gave their ideas (The list was much longer but we though it would be good to focus on 10!) A few of the bigger ones They think that in the speaking test that they have to speak as much as they can. ...