
Monthly Archives - May 2022

How do IELTS examiners do the IELTS speaking test?

When you do IELTS, it is a good idea to know what is expected of you.  Here is some insight into how IELTS speaking is done from an IELTS speaking examiner. Entering the room The examiner will come and collect you and take you into the room.  You are being recorded at this point to make sure that everything is legal and that the examiner is not corrupt.  The examiner cannot talk to you although they will ask whether you have mobile...

What affects your IELTS speaking score?

Well, the easy answer is if your speaking is good then you will get a higher mark. If your speaking is poor, then you will not get a high score in the exam.  Simple, but what does this mean? What will affect your score? The key 3 things are……. Pronunciation - If you have problems with r/l, b/v, s/sh t/th sounds in English (To name but a few!), then this will affect your pronunciation score. If you don’t  use intonation well, or...