
Monthly Archives - September 2021

IELTS speaking and feeling nervous. What can you do?

This is a question that we received in our Private Facebook group; feel free to join I would like to ask if during my IELTS speaking exam part 1 I feel nervous, can I just close my eyes or look in another direction or just cover my eyes with a handkerchief? So, you’re in the street and a tourist comes up and asks you where something is. In response, you look in another direction and put a handkerchief over your eyes……Imagine the...

Can I use contractions in IELTS writing?

This is a question that came form a memeber in our private Facebook group (Feel free to join).  "Are contractions allowed in both the General Training and Academic task 2 IELTS writing?" Yes, Yes, and Yes again. In Task 1 in the General exam, if you have to write a formal letter then try and avoid them. To be honest, the idea that contractions aren’t used in formal writing is very old-fashioned and old-fashioned teachers love to cling on to the idea...

Is it necessary to use fancy vocabulary in the IELTS speaking?

This is a question that came to us from a member of our Private Facebook Group (Feel free to join).  You can ask questions about the IELTS exam and get answers from IELTS examiners, the only people that know what you need to do in the exam. No. What gets you into the high scores is being able to discuss a range of topics relatively fluently and having a sufficient range of vocabulary that allows you to present your ideas in...

Can I use Phrasal verbs in my IELTS Task 2 writing?

This is a common question and one that we get asked a lot.  Basically, it is people being poorly advised by people that know nothing about IELTS.  An IELTS writing examiner explains…… Phrasal verbs are part of normal every day speech. Using them in IELTS is fine. So many people think that IELTS is a test of your academic English and should, therefore, be approached as a formal test. This is not true. It is a test of your English, nothing...