
Monthly Archives - May 2021

How many times can I do IELTS to get what I need?

This is a question that came from a member of our Facebook group IELTS writing and speaking support and one of the examiners answered it. You can take IELTS as many times as you like until you get the score you need. However, as Einstein said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. Why would you plan to do the exam again and again? Instead of spending 150 US dollars doing...

How many words should you write in Task 1?

This is a good question and we get this one a lot. IELTS deems 150 the minimum number of words that you need to write to be able to fulfil the Task i.e. get Band 9.0.  Aim for 150 to 180 words.  If you write more than that then you may run out of time for Task 2.  Remember, and this is key for IELTS writing, the more you write, the more time you will have to spend checking your writing. ...

What IELTS vocabulary gets me high marks?

Common questions about IELTS we get are about vocabulary and what you need to use to get high marks.  Questions like these are common. “What vocabulary do I need to use to get high scores in IELTS writing?” “How many complicated words do I need to use to get high marks in IELTS writing?” This is a common mistake people make in IELTS.  They think they need to use really complex vocabulary to get high marks and this is not the case. Why not?...

How do I prepare for the IELTS speaking exam?

This is a common question we get from a lot of IELTS candidates that are preparing for IELTS.  An IELTS speaking exam explains what you need to do. You need to focus on what you have to do in the speaking exam and then you will be able to focus on practising. Don’t practice alone though. Get yourself an English teacher so they can work on accuracy with you. So, in part 1, all you have to do is answer the question...