
Monthly Archives - February 2021

How long will it take to go from Band 7 to Band 8 in IELTS?

7 to 8 is a big jump. You need to increase your score in all the 4 skills. You have probably already got a higher reading and listening score but it is the speaking and writing that will be more difficult. If you live in an English-speaking country, work in English, live with English speakers, etc then you are probably looking at 6–8 months. However, this means that you are actively studying English, going to classes 3 hours a day...

IELTS Task 1 and the Band 4 cut-off points in Task Achievement

So many people get affected by this and they have no idea.  They go into the exam, think that they did really well and then get awarded 6 or 6.5.  One of the main reasons for this is the cut-off points in Task Achievement.  No idea what they are?  Keep reading. Something that a lot of IELTS candidates don’t know is about cut-off points.  There are parts of the criteria that stop you getting higher marks.  These are highlighted in the...

IELTS remarking.  When to do it and when not to.

In IELTS, if you don’t think your writing or speaking result is accurate, you can ask for an EOR (Enquiry of Results).  Your writing or speaking will then be checked by another examiner (in some cases a senior examiner but not always) to see whether your result is accurate or not.  You have to pay for this and the fee differs depending on the country you did the test in.  However, if your score is changed (up or down), you...

How do I improve my IELTS writing and speaking?

This is a question that we often get asked and it is an easy one to answer.  One of the IELTS examiners at upmyielts explains. First things first, you need to find where you are at the moment.  If you need Band 7.0 in speaking and writing, then you need to know what you would get if you did the exam tomorrow.  It may be the case that your speaking is already at Band 7+ level but your writing is not. ...

I spoke for less than a minute in Part 2 of the IELTS speaking exam. How will this affect my score?

We received this question from someone in our private Facebook group (Feel free to join) and one of the examiners that works for us has this to say. Less than a minute in Part 2 is very short. If this happens then the examiner will point to some of the prompts and say “Can you tell me more about this?” to try and get you to speak for longer. If you cannot continue for whatever reason, you can still do ok...

How to start (and not to start) an IELTS Task 2 writing

We see a lot of people use a phrase similar to this when they write an introduction “In this essay I will explore the cause of the problem and offer some solutions” or “This essay will show the advantages and disadvantages of ……..” Stop!  Don’t do it!  Why not you ask?  Well, one of the IELTS examiners answers this question. I see this a lot in IELTS candidates’ introductions.  I don’t know where it comes from or who is teaching it but it is a...